Drake Valley Press publishes a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres, including:
and thrillers.
We accept queries by email only and we do not open attachments unless we have requested them.
Send an email to Don Freeman at dfreeman [at] drakevalleypress [dot] com with the following information:
1. Title of the Book
2. Author Name (Pen Name also, if different) and contact information
3. Genre
4. Word Count
5. One paragraph synopsis of the book
6. One paragraph author biography
7. If this is your first manuscript, please indicate that. If this is not your first manuscript, list your previous book titles, genres, and sales information.
8. If you are a first-time author, how do you propose to help market and promote your work? If you are not a first-time author, how have you marketed and promoted your book in the past? How will you change that (if applicable) if your book is published by Drake Valley Press? (One paragraph) If we are interested in your work, we will ask for the first 50 pages or first three chapters and your favorite scene. If we like what we see, we will ask for the entire manuscript. Do not send attachments unless we specifically ask for them.